Dividend Growth Machine

People think they act rationally with their money and investments, but they don’t. You don’t. And I don’t, either.

Nathan Winklepleck

In the first part Nathan derives the ideal properties of the perfect retirement strategy.

The second part dives into dividend growth investing and shows how it gets close to the perfect retirement strategy.

The author also explains concepts like dividend yield and dividend growth as well as how dividend reinvestment fueles the exponential growth of your dividend cashflow.

The final part discusses how to put the dividend growth investing strategy into practise.

We recommend you this book if you are new to dividend growth investing. It also helps you to understand the concepts implemented in the 22 Dividends app.

The book is compact: you should be able to finish it easily on a weekend.

Nathan offers the book as free PDF on his homepage. If you want to support the author as well as us you can use the affiliate link to Amazon where you can find an ebook as well as a paperback version.

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