Which platforms are supported by 22 Dividends?
The 22 Dividends app is available for
- Android: min. android version 5.0 (API level 21)
- iOS: min. iOS version 10.0
Currently, the app is not adapted to large screens (e.g. tablets).
In the future, we aim on supporting tablets as well as MacOS.
Do you support ETFs?
Yes, the 22 Dividends app supports ETFs. You can use the stock search to verify whether your ETF is covered.
Is my favorite stock in 22 Dividends?
Currently, our data sources cover mainly US stocks traded on the main stock exchanges. More exotic stocks like ADRs might lack dividend information.
Currently, we support following stock exchanges:
Symbols | Name | Country Code |
NYS, NYSE, XNYS | New York Stock Exchange | US |
XASE, USAMEX | NYSE American Equities Exchange | US |
XNMS | NASDAQ Global Market | US |
XNCM | NASDAQ Capital Market | US |
Our goal is to support the mayor stock exchanges around the world. We are just working on it!