The position page allows you to view a summary of all stock transactions belonging to a single stock position.
Please note, that you might have several positions of the same stock over time.
Meaning, you initially bought some shares, sold them all, and later opened a new position again.
The position page only shows information belonging to the selected position.
If you want to see all transactions belonging to a certain stock you can use the transaction browser.
The upper part of the position page depicts a chart of the stock’s end-of-day (EOD) share price.
The chart covers the time since you bought the first share.
Following additional information is shown in the chart:
- Stock Name: Name of the stock or ETF.
- Transaction: Your buy-, sell-, and DRIP-transactions are rendered as as dots. Buy-transactions use a green dot, sell-transactions a red dot, and DRIP-transactions a blue one.
- Average Share Price: The average share price line highlights your positions average price per share across all buy-, sell-, and DRIP-transactions.
- Summary: The row below the chart summarizes the current state of your position:
<number of shares>@<average price per share> = <total value in currency>
Transaction Card
Below the position chart you will see a list of your stock transactions belonging to this position.
The position page only shows the transactions that belong to the selected position.
If you want to see all transactions belonging to a certain stock you can use the transaction browser.
Every transaction is represented by a card that holds important information:
- Date and Stock Exchange: Date of the transaction (YYYY-MM-DD) followed by the stock exchanges MIC identifier.
- Transaction Data: The transaction data is shown as follows:
[BUY|SELL|DRIP] <number of shares> @ <price per share> = <value in currency> - Yield Data: This line shows three values. The first one is the YOC at the time of executing the transaction. The second one shows the current YOC of this individual transaction. The third value is the percentage the YOC changed from the time you executed the transaction until today. The value summarizes the effects of dividend raises or cuts.
- Costs: The money you payed for executing this transaction. The percentage in brackets represents the costs in relation to the overall transaction value.
- Delete Transaction: The delete button deletes the current transaction.
- Open Details: The details button opens the edit transaction page where you can edit all parameters of the transaction.