Stock Position

In the 22 Dividends app you can have up to one open position for a stock.

Open position means that you are holding shares of that stock.

A closed position is a position where you owned shares in the past but you sold all.

The set of all open positions is your current portfolio.

Position History

You can open and close positions of the same stock over time.

So, you can have one open position and multiple closed positions of the same stock.

However, those positions are sequentially over time and don’t overlap.

The 22 Dividends app recognizes this sequence of open and closed positions.

Some pages of the 22 Dividends app only use your current portfolio and others use the entire history.

Transaction Flavors

Transaction flavors and stock positions are directly linked:

  • Each position starts with an initial buy-transaction with transaction flavor Open Position.
  • Closed positions end with a sell transaction with transaction flavor Close Position.

The best way to see the transaction flavors and open and closed positions in the app is the Transaction Browser page.


Here is a short summary of how the 22 Dividends uses open and closed positions throughout the app:

  • Portfolio Overview: Some charts of the Portfolio Overview page use only open positions (e.g. the pie charts) and others also consider closed positions (e.g. 12 month average dividend income).
  • Transaction Browser: If you select a single stock in the Transaction Browser you can see all positions of that stock.
  • History Page: The history screen shows a summary card for each closed positions. Open positions are not shown.
  • Reports: Reports are the most powerful tool in the 22 Dividends app. They are generated for open and closed positions of each stock individually as well as a summary for the entire stock’s history. The app also generates reports that encompass the portfolio’s history.